September 24, 2005


Natas Kaupas and I talked about how there are politics to obesity. I think I agree. I really do. I am willing to conceed all the arguments about health and whatever...its a disease...that is fine. I got it. But for the sake of this episode in typing, I am going to ignore that.

For me, my weight has been a deal with sloth. it reflects my disconnection from the world. It reflects that I have money for food, and have a car, and am able to sit and do nothing all day...and not give a shit.

When I gained weight...I did not care about the planet...I did not care about the country at all. I just wanted to sit on the couch, watch movies, and eat corn dogs.

An engaged person carries there body as a connection of there politics. I believe that as I have come back to thte world, I have changed my world view of food. I have given up meat. Become conscious of my health.

I think this is a connection of the Rollins idea I heard so long ago.

I am tired. and I want to sleep. I will expand this later

Posted by Radiofree at September 24, 2005 01:53 AM | TrackBack
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